- Beyond The Wall Transition Support
Beyond the Walls joins the services provided by Shiloh House to complete the continuum of support for youth ages 16-26 as they become successful, productive young adult members of their local communities. Beyond the Walls creates a seamless tapestry of support for young people as they transition from out of home care to independence. Through a vibrant Community Resource Network young people link to resources and mentors which provide life skills, learning opportunities and tools to help every young person achieve their goals for the future.
Beyond the Walls uses the proven mentoring model of Circles to assist young people in gaining vital confidence and support during times of change in their lives. The Circles model combines the benefits of one on one coaching and working within a group of peers. A combination of action learning, coaching and peer mentoring provides young people with a wider source of support and inspiration for idea generation. This approach encourages greater creativity in problem solving and helps each young person learn how to thrive on the journey toward permanency.
Our Community Resource Network is made up of partners who are willing to make a commitment to developing a healthy relationship that will support youth in and out of home care to begin their journey with confidence. Beyond the Walls partners with young people as they move from case management, toward being community connected and begin building a foundation of connections and social capital to help each young person thrive. The volunteers in our Community Resource Network link young people to opportunities and experiences to help them reach their goals. This integrated system of resources and connections amplifies the ability for each youth to have caring adults working with them as they journey toward the future.
Beyond the Walls at Shiloh House works to ensure that every young person is:
• Attached to nurturing adults
• Linked with educational supports that lead to career readiness
• Engaged in community, school and/or extracurricular activities
• Career ready with positive attitudes about the world of work
• Productive and equipped to reach financial self-sufficiency
• Aware of, appreciates and demonstrates behaviors of personal and social responsibility
• Demonstrating healthy decisions that lead to well-being
- Day Treatment
The Shiloh House Day Treatment Program is designed for youth ages 7-18 facing challenges in the public school system, the legal system, or transitioning to a less restrictive environment. Day treatment offers daily therapeutic intervention to support youth who are learning the necessary social and behavioral skills to succeed at home, in school and the community.
Shiloh House’s treatment & education team supports, credit recovery, social skill development, conflict resolution and problem solving skills in an environment that respects continuing education. Shiloh House provides each youth a challenging, academically sound educational experience that is aimed at maintaining and/or improving academic, vocational and social functioning. Shiloh House on-grounds schools have the capacity to develop future educational options and are licensed by the Colorado State Department of Education, and accredited by North Central Association.
Shiloh House provides specialized on-grounds schools to assist youth in developing the necessary academic and social skills needed to re-enter a less restrictive school environment. Shiloh House provides each youth a challenging, academically sound educational experience that is aimed at maintaining and/or improving academic, vocational and social functioning. Shiloh House on-grounds schools have the capacity to develop future educational options and are licensed by the Colorado State Department of Education, and accredited by North Central Association. When clients are ready to graduate from the program, educational and clinical staff from Shiloh House organize several reintegration meetings with representatives from the clients home school district in order to successfully support the client back into a traditional public school setting.
- Shiloh First (referral program for Arapahoe County)
The Shiloh First service is a rapid response and prevention program. Shiloh First is designed to assist families, who are at risk for entry into the Child Welfare System and who are struggling with a variety of challenges. Shiloh First services provide a professional home based visitation and completion of an individualized comprehensive family resource guide. The program is voluntary, and there is no cost to families.
The Objectives of the Shiloh First Services are:
• To help the family reduce the risk for interventions by Children, Youth and Families Protection Services.
• To decrease future referrals to the Department of Human Services.
The Target Population of the Shiloh First Service is:
• Families struggling with child and adolescent parenting challenges.
• Children and youth who are demonstrating behaviors that are beyond the control of parents.
• Families referred to the Department of Human Services with children ages 10-18 who have been reviewed by the County for issues related to family conflict but have not opened a case.
• Families who are not in need of interventions by the Department of Human Services but who will benefit from community support and resources.
• Families not assigned to case workers within the Department of Human Services.
• Youth with truancy related resource needs.
- Evening Reporting Academy Services
Shiloh House Evening Reporting Center is an alternative to secure detention for pre-adjudicated and adjudicated adolescents. The services provided offer a passage away from detention, further court involvement and out-of-home placement, while providing tailored programming that addresses each youth’s individual needs and strengths.
Evening Reporting Center offers, within a highly structured environment:
• Academic tutoring and monitoring.
• Truancy counseling
• Life skills development
• Conflict resolution
• Substance abuse counseling
• Resource development
• College and career exploration
• Therapeutic recreation
The goal of the Evening Reporting Center is:
• Improve the youth’s academic attendance
• Appearance at all scheduled judicial hearings
• Maintenance of appropriate behavior at home and in the communit
• Performance of community service
• No commission of new delinquent acts
Evening Reporting Center staff members work with schools, juvenile probation officers, parents, courts, case workers and other community partners to collaboratively achieve the program objectives.
- Mental Health Care (individual & family)
Our community based counseling services offer home and office based individual and family therapy. Shiloh House is dedicated to providing a complete continuum of services to our community. Essential components of our continuum of care include prevention, early intervention, and community reintegration counseling services.
Shiloh House utilizes evidence-based programs and practices throughout our mental health counseling services. We assist our clients in linking thoughts, feelings and behaviors, teaching new, healthy, empathic, and reality based ways of thinking. Clients have guided opportunities to rehearse healthy ways to cope with life stressors and to achieve resolution of overwhelming thoughts and feelings related to past traumatic life experiences, as well as present life challenges.
Shiloh House provides Master’s level Individual and Family Therapy to address all presenting mental health and family conflict needs for individuals and families.
The goals of these services are:
• Mental health stabilization and improved functioning and well-being in all areas including work, family and relationships.
•To provide the individual with evidence based therapy to ensure the highest degree of positive change and well-being.
•To assist the family in the development of a nurturing and healthy home environment which will enable the children to successfully progress in their development and academic achievement.
•To assist the individual and/or family in the development of healthy coping skills and tools.
•To assist the individual and/or family in increased pro-social behaviors and increased protective factors.
•To provide a strength based, accountable, relationship oriented service which respects the family while ensuring that the goals of treatment are achieved.
•To provide intensive psycho-educational treatment that increases each client and family’s understanding of unhealthy interaction patterns in a way that enables the individual/family to eliminate unhealthy patterns.
- Respite Care
Shiloh House Respite is a short term service designed to assist Colorado families in preventing the disruption of placement for youth who may be at risk of being removed from their families or who are already placed in foster care. Shiloh House offers a nurturing and safe environment for youth for the brief time they must be away from family or foster care.
The Objectives of Shiloh House Respite Services:
• To reduce the risk of a child between the ages of 7 and 17 being removed from the care of a parent or guardian due to high risk behavior on the part of the child.
• To decrease the risk of disruption to a successful foster or adoptive placement.
The target population of Shiloh House Respite Services:
• Families who have successfully parented high risk youth, but are experiencing situations for which short term out of home support for the youth will be helpful.
• Foster families who are working with Department of Human Services to maintain a successful foster placement.
• Families with children who are not working with the Department of Human Services, but have sought mental health support for a child using local community Mental Health Services.
• Families who have been working with the Department of Human Services, and whose children remain in their care, but may be at risk of placement disruption.
- Therapeutic Parenting Time
Therapeutic Parenting Specialists work on parenting skills using individualize coaching and modeling techniques. Through our Therapeutic Parenting Time Program we also provide goal focused supervised parent – child visitation.
Therapeutic Parenting Time is a community based program. And is designed to ensure safe reunification through empowerment, empathetic understanding of their child, improved parenting conflict management and active parenting skill development. Therapeutic Parenting Time specialists engage families within a natural setting to empower the parents to understand their child’s needs and to help the parent learn and practice the skills to meet their child’s needs within their unique family structure and culture, while in a home-like setting.
- Home Based Services
Short-term, family-centered, in-home or community, therapeutic services are available for the purpose of preventing out-of-home placement, maintaining the children in the home, or to prepare a family for reunification. This service helps connect families with community resources. Home-based services may also include 24 hour crisis response. Individual and family therapy can address substance abuse, sexual abuse, child-parent conflict, and mental health.
- Informed Supervision Training
For parents dealing with the unique challenges of problem sexual behavior, Shiloh House offers a six week Informed Supervision class. The six weekly, one hour classes will provide information on the SOMB Standards and Guidelines for the Evaluation, Assessment, Treatment and Supervision of Juveniles who Have Committed a Sexual Offense; history of the SOMB; current laws that relate to juvenile sexual offending; dynamic patterns associated with abusive behavior; safety planning; victim confidentiality; the role of the Multi-Disciplinary Team; and much more.
- Life Skill & Family Coaching
Our life Skills Coaches provide services to clients in their homes or in other community settings. Services are based directly on the needs of the individual family. After an initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be created to address the specific needs identified.
The treatment plan will help clients build strengths in areas such as:
• Creating and maintaining safety and stability for all family members through development of routine, structure and age appropriate supervision.
• Time management techniques
• Budgeting
• Accessing community resources.
• Understanding and maintaining healthy parent-child boundaries and relationships.
• Household management
• Scheduling and attending appointments.
- Sex Abuse Treatment
Shiloh House provides home and community based services for youth ages 7-18 and their families who are struggling with a wide variety of Problematic Sexual Conduct.
Shiloh House community based treatment for Problematic Sexual Conduct includes a combination of in-home Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Master’s level treatment and Bachelor’s level in-home Behavioral Life Skills Coaching services. These services are customized to the individual and family and will target the family need for safe and healthy sexual behavior, life skills, community safety, strengthening parenting skills, conflict resolution, informed supervision, offense specific psycho-education, support and accountability, and offense specific individual and family therapy.
The goal of this program is to prevent out of home placement and maintain the family unit, by providing home based services for families in crisis and linking the family with supportive resources and community partners.
- Supervised Visitation
During supervised visitation sessions, Life Skills Coaches demonstrate parenting techniques and responses that are age appropriate for the children within the family. This applied learning approach helps parents build skills they may not have previously had the opportunity to learn, and increases the confidence they feel in their ability to meet the needs of their children. Life Skills Coaches teach parents effective, age-appropriate discipline techniques such as limit setting, establishing natural and logical consequences, healthy boundaries, consistent structure and routine, and how to create goals that are appropriate for the age and cognitive ability of each child. Visitation may take place at pre-approved community locations or even within the home. A professional Life Skills Coach will be available for any questions, as well as to ensure child safety and quality of visitation.
- Truancy Reduction
Shiloh House offers educational support services that provide intervention systems designed to help address behaviors linked to expulsion, suspension, dropping out of school, and truancy. These interventions help improve parent capacity, strengthen academic achievement, support truancy prevention and increase social and emotional functioning in both the home and school environments.
Through a team of educational engagement coaches we assist and educate parents and students who have been truant, expelled or at-risk, to help resolve issues related to student success through behavior coaching, credit recovery, tutoring groups and mentoring. Services are also intended to prevent the need for higher levels of care or a more restrictive placement, incarceration and help transition students to a less restrictive environment.